MOBILAK Ltd. is ISO 9001-2015 certified by the Standard Institution of Israel.
Many of the company’s packaging are approved for the transportation of dangerous goods according to the UN Regulations, including IMDG Code, ADR, IRD and ICAO.
MOBILAK Ltd. Has certifications from Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und –prüfung (BAM) for marking Steel and Plastic Packaging by the UN international marking.
The Quality Management System is based on ISO 9001-2015.
MOBILAK Ltd. Is certified to ISO 9001-2015 by the Standard Institution of Israel.
Quality Management starts with the customer's new request, through the design and development process, procurement, manufacturing planning, testing, inspecting and finally storage, shipment, and post-sale service.
Mobilak's quality control laboratory equipped with modern measuring and testing devices and instruments, enables the testing of all manufactured products according to strict standards and regulations.