Manufactured in ISO 8 Clean Room
Having more than 40 years of experience in rigid steel and plastic packaging, Mobilak manufactures and supplies health care and pharmaceutical packaging solutions.
Clean Pack Plastic Bottles for Solid, Powder and Liquid medicines, meet US FDA and European Pharmaceutical requirements. And listed Mobilak’s DMF (Drug Master File) #032231.
Plastic pharmaceutical bottles are manufactured in ISO 8 clean room according to GMP standards (ISO 15378 – Primary packaging materials for medicinal products – particular requirements for the application of ISO 9001/2015 with reference to Good Manufacturing).
MOBILAK Clean Pack Pharmaceutical Plastic Bottles are approved for direct contact with food according to CFR 21 and by European Union Regulations.
All raw materials are tested and confirmed according to USP 661.2 regulations
Mobilak’s elaborate manufacturing site is located at N.A.M Park near Netivot, we are using world class machines and equipment including oil free compressed air to prevent any contamination during the process of production.